Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
250 lines
; *** Listing 11-33 ***
; Illustrates animation based on exclusive-oring.
; Animates 10 images at once.
; Not a general animation implementation, but rather an
; example of the strengths and weaknesses of exclusive-or
; based animation.
; Make with LZTIME.BAT, since this program is too long to be
; handled by the precision Zen timer.
jmp Skip
DELAY equ 0 ;set to higher values to
; slow down for closer
; observation
REPETITIONS equ 500 ;# of times to move and
; redraw the images
DISPLAY_SEGMENT equ 0b800h ;display memory segment
; in 320x200 4-color
; graphics mode
SCREEN_WIDTH equ 80 ;# of bytes per scan line
BANK_OFFSET equ 2000h ;offset from the bank
; containing the even-
; numbered lines on the
; screen to the bank
; containing the odd-
; numbered lines
; Used to count down # of times images are moved.
; Complete info about one image that we're animating.
Image struc
XCoord dw ? ;image X location in pixels
XInc dw ? ;# of pixels to increment
; location by in the X
; direction on each move
YCoord dw ? ;image Y location in pixels
YInc dw ? ;# of pixels to increment
; location by in the Y
; direction on each move
Image ends
; List of images to animate.
Images label Image
Image <64,4,8,4>
Image <144,0,56,2>
Image <224,-4,104,0>
Image <64,4,152,-2>
Image <144,0,8,-4>
Image <224,-4,56,-2>
Image <64,4,104,0>
Image <144,0,152,2>
Image <224,-4,8,4>
Image <64,4,56,2>
ImagesEnd label Image
; Pixel pattern for the one image this program draws,
; a 32x32 3-color square.
TheImage label byte
rept 32
dw 0ffffh, 05555h, 0aaaah, 0ffffh
IMAGE_HEIGHT equ 32 ;# of rows in the image
IMAGE_WIDTH equ 8 ;# of bytes across the image
; Exclusive-ors the image of a 3-color square at the
; specified screen location. Assumes images start on
; even-numbered scan lines and are an even number of
; scan lines high. Always draws images byte-aligned in
; display memory.
; Input:
; CX = X coordinate of upper left corner at which to
; draw image (will be adjusted to nearest
; less-than or equal-to multiple of 4 in order
; to byte-align)
; DX = Y coordinate of upper left corner at which to
; draw image
; ES = display memory segment
; Output: none
; Registers altered: AX, CX, DX, SI, DI, BP
push bx ;preserve the main loop's pointer
shr dx,1 ;divide the row # by 2 to compensate
; for the 2-bank nature of 320x200
; 4-color mode
mul dx ;start offset of top row of image in
; display memory
shr cx,1 ;divide the X coordinate by 4
shr cx,1 ; because there are 4 pixels per
; byte
add ax,cx ;point to the offset at which the
; upper left byte of the image will
; go
mov di,ax
mov si,offset TheImage
;point to the start of the one image
; we always draw
;offset from the end of an even line
; of the image in display memory to
; the start of the next odd line of
; the image
;# of even/odd numbered row pairs to
; draw in the image
mov bp,IMAGE_WIDTH/2
;# of words to draw per row of the
; image. Note that IMAGE_WIDTH must
; be an even number since we XOR
; the image a word at a time
mov cx,bp ;# of words to draw per row of the
; image
lodsw ;next word of the image pattern
xor es:[di],ax ;XOR the next word of the
; image into the screen
inc di ;point to the next word in display
inc di ; memory
loop XorColumnLoopEvenRows
add di,bx ;point to the start of the next
; (odd) row of the image, which is
; in the second bank of display
; memory
mov cx,bp ;# of words to draw per row of the
; image
lodsw ;next word of the image pattern
xor es:[di],ax ;XOR the next word of the
; image into the screen
inc di ;point to the next word in display
inc di ; memory
loop XorColumnLoopOddRows
;point to the start of the next
; (even) row of the image, which is
; in the first bank of display
; memory
dec dx ;count down the row pairs
jnz XorRowLoop
pop bx ;restore the main loop's pointer
; Main animation program.
; Set the mode to 320x200 4-color graphics mode.
mov ax,0004h ;AH=0 is mode select fn
;AL=4 selects mode 4,
; 320x200 4-color mode
int 10h ;invoke the BIOS video
; interrupt to set the mode
; Point ES to display memory for the rest of the program.
mov es,ax
; We'll always want to count up.
; Start timing.
call ZTimerOn
; Draw all the images initially.
mov bx,offset Images ;list of images
mov cx,[bx+XCoord] ;X coordinate
mov dx,[bx+YCoord] ;Y coordinate
call XorImage ;draw this image
add bx,size Image ;point to next image
cmp bx,offset ImagesEnd
jb InitialDrawLoop ;draw next image, if
; there is one
; Erase, move, and redraw each image in turn REPETITIONS
; times.
mov bx,offset Images ;list of images
mov cx,[bx+XCoord] ;X coordinate
mov dx,[bx+YCoord] ;Y coordinate
call XorImage ;erase this image (it's
; already drawn at this
; location, so this XOR
; erases it)
mov cx,[bx+XCoord] ;X coordinate
cmp cx,4 ;at left edge?
ja CheckRightMargin ;no
neg [bx+XInc] ;yes, so bounce
cmp cx,284 ;at right edge?
jb MoveX ;no
neg [bx+XInc] ;yes, so bounce
add cx,[bx+XInc] ;move horizontally
mov [bx+XCoord],cx ;save the new location
mov dx,[bx+YCoord] ;Y coordinate
cmp dx,4 ;at top edge?
ja CheckBottomMargin ;no
neg [bx+YInc] ;yes, so bounce
cmp dx,164 ;at bottom edge?
jb MoveY ;no
neg [bx+YInc] ;yes, so bounce
add dx,[bx+YInc] ;move horizontally
mov [bx+YCoord],dx ;save the new location
call XorImage ;draw the image at its
; new location
add bx,size Image ;point to the next image
cmp bx,offset ImagesEnd
jb ImageMoveLoop ;move next image, if there
; is one
mov cx,DELAY ;slow down as specified
loop $
dec [RepCount] ;animate again?
jnz MainMoveAndDrawLoop ;yes
call ZTimerOff ;done timing
; Return to text mode.
mov ax,0003h ;AH=0 is mode select fn
;AL=3 selects mode 3,
; 80x25 text mode
int 10h ;invoke the BIOS video
; interrupt to set the mode